William Sadlier Dinger
President of William H. Sadlier, Inc., New York City, NY
Bro. Michael Fehrenbach, FSC
Coordinator of Lasallian Formation and Liaison for Catholic and Lasallian Schools at Lewis University
Soraya García
Director of Communications and Development for Instituto Fe y Vida
Fr. Thomas P. Henehan, MM
Delegate of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Chicago, IL
Bro. Jesús Martín Lara, FSC
Vice Principal of San Miguel High School in Tucson, AZ
Andrew Rivas, JD
Special Assistant to the Vicar for Clergy, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Friar Mario L. Serrano, OFM
Director of University Ministry, Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, TX
Sr. Barbara Thiella, SND de Namur
Retired Chancellor of the Diocese of Stockton, CA