Biblical Mission for Youth and Young Adults
Articles in this newsletter:
- The Biblical Mission: What is it, what does it do, and who carries it out?
- Websites, free resources, and printed publications
- Testimonies about the Biblical Mission
- Planning the Biblical Mission in a youth group
- Training for implementing the Biblical Mission at the institutional level: dioceses, Catholic schools, movements, etc.
What does the Biblical Mission do so that “God’s Word Comes to Life in Young People”?
It trains them as missionary disciples—evangelizers to their peers—through an encounter with Jesus in Sacred Scripture. It is conducted in the spirit of Jesus, whose mission it was to announce the good news of the coming of the Kingdom of God to humanity. This mission was taken up by the disciples of Christ and, with the same power yesterday, today, and forever, Jesus invites all of us who are baptized to bring him and the Word of life to all nations, until the end of the age (Mt 28:18-20).
Who carries out the Biblical Mission?
For more information about the Biblical Mission, download the Questions and Answers document or visit the website!
1. Core Team Manual
2. Manual for the Team of Young Missioners
3. Mission Guidebook
The Guidebook contains the step-by-step process for the activities and the content required for each of the four biblical sessions that together constitute the Biblical Mission. It presents the goals, the detailed plan and the materials needed for each session. It also offers instructions for each task to be carried out by the members of the Team of Young Missioners.
4. Mission Journal
Several young people have asked us how they can best utilize the materials to carry out the Biblical Mission in their youth group, if they have never done it before. The websites and all of the resources for the Biblical Mission (in Spanish and English) are designed to facilitate a broad implementation of the Biblical Mission, organized at the institutional level. These same resources can be utilized to carry it out in a youth group, with some minor adjustments. It will still be necessary to form a team of four young missioners who have had some experience leading activities. The process would go as follows:
Make sure that an adult adviser for the group, or at least two of the young missioners, have studied the Core Team Manual in depth, so that they can guide the Team of Young Missioners whenever doubts arise.
Identify four young leaders to serve—two as evangelizers and two as hosts. If available, young people who have already experienced the YBM and who have the necessary maturity and commitment would make excellent candidates.
Set dates to gather as a team and study the material in the Manual for the Team of Young Missioners, together with an adult adviser. Of greatest importance is giving the young missioners the experience of the Training Day, ending with a rite of commitment as a team. This process could take an entire day, or it could be broken up into two-hour sessions over the course of two to four weeks.
Reserve the location and set dates for launching the Biblical Mission, the four sessions, and the Closing Liturgy.
Promote the Biblical Mission and extend personal invitations to the young participants.
Prepare each session as a team, supporting one another in the roles of evangelizers and hosts, as instructed in the Mission Guidebook and Journal. Be sure to:
Spend time in prayer, preparing spiritually so that the Holy Spirit may fill the young missioners with light and strength, allowing them to present Jesus in the Word of God.
Follow the instructions in the Guidebook to prepare the materials for each session.
Carry out each session following the steps specified in the Guidebook.
Celebrate the Closing Liturgy with all of the participants, preferably in a Sunday Mass.
Conclude with an evaluation of the entire process by the team.
When the Biblical Mission is organized and carried out at the level of a youth group, it acquires a different mística than when it is organized for multiple groups in a parish or diocese. Either way, the goals of the Mission will be achieved: young people will have a living encounter with Jesus in the Word of God, and God’s Word will come to life in them, thanks to the young missioners. This missionary action will bring many fruits to the young participants and to the local youth ministry. Although it may seem complicated at first glance, it is very doable and it is worth the effort. Don’t be afraid to do what the Lord Jesus asks! “He said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.’ When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing.” (Luke 5:4 and 6)
Instituto Fe y Vida’s apostolate of promoting and forming the leadership of young Latino Catholics, in the United States as well as in Latin America, is possible because of the generosity of Catholics like you, who love our Church, believe in young people, and respond to the call to invest in their formation. Your contributions, whether small or large, help the young Latinos in our Church to have the materials, formation, and guidance they need in order to respond to God’s call to be prophets of hope in their families and communities.
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- Send us a check at the address that follows below
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