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Catalogue of programs and synoptic table

In general, the Leadership Training System (LTS) is flexible and allows persons to enroll in the program that is most useful to them at their stage of life. However, the first time you participate in the National Catholic Leadership Program it is recommended the Symposium on Leadership be taken because it provides valuable theoretical and practical foundations, essential skills are exercised, and the ecclesial and pastoral horizon is extended. Likewise, when programs are offered in a diocese or parish, it is recommended to start with the Foundational Course for Pastoral Juvenil that offers catechetical bases and elemental pastoral tools.

  • La elaboración de métodos y recursos originales para la formación de líderes jóvenes, en inglés y en español, es parte del legado del Instituto Fe y Vida a nuestra Iglesia.

    Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ, Distinguished Scholar of Theology and Latino Studies, Loyola Marymount University
  • Fe y Vida ofrece constantemente cursos y procesos que promueven la madurez emocional de líderes jóvenes, asesores y agentes de pastoral, como un aspecto esencial en su formación.

    Vilma Pardo, MA, LPC Consejera Familiar, Houston, TX



  1. Youth/Young Adults Day: Jesus Invites you to be a Prophet of Hope
  2. Seven Leadership Workshops on Pastoral Juvenil: Vision, spirituality, and practice
  3. Prophets of Hope: Training Young Leaders to Be Evangelizing, Communitarian, and Missionar
  4. Symposium on Leadership for a Comprehensive Pastoral Juvenil
  5. Foundational Course for Pastoral Juvenil
  6. Engaging Stories —A Youth Theology Summer Institute in collaboration with Lewis University
    Biblical Pastoral Ministry
  7. Workshop: Introduction to the Bible
  8. Workshop: Lectio Divina and the Sunday Mass through the Series Diálogos Semanales con Jesús
  9. Training Youth and Young Adults for the Biblical Mission
  10. Retreat: Leadership as Missionary Disciples Inspired by the Beatitudes


  1. Program: Practical Theology and Pastoral Action
  2. Course: Formation for a Christian Integration of Sexuality

    Pastoral-Theological Seminars
  3. Ministry with Adolescents and Peer Counseling in Pastoral Juvenil
  4. Christian Spirituality, Discernment, and the Life Project
  5. Pastoral Dinámicas and Music in Worship and Ministry
  6. Evangelization and Catechesis with Adolescents and Jóvenes
  7. Intercultural Relations and Skills for Personal, Pastoral, and Civic Life
  8. Financial Education for Personal, Family, and Pastoral Life
  9. Training Young People as Missionary Disciples
  10. Public Speaking and Communication Skills in Pastoral Juvenil
    Biblical Pastoral Ministry
  11. Course: The Bible and Our Salvation History
  12. Seminar: Biblical Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Inspiration in Ministry
  13. Training for Lectio Divina and Biblical Circles with La Biblia Católica para la Fe y la Vida


  1. Program: Pastoral Leadership at the Institutional Level


  1. Training to Prepare Leaders in Pastoral Juvenil with Adolescents and Jóvenes
  2. Training for the Foundational Course for Pastoral Juvenil
  3. Training for Biblical Pastoral Ministry with Young People and Adults
  4. Training for the Course: Formation for a Christian Integration of Sexuality
  5. Training Parents as Educators of Their Children, Focusing on Adolescence
  6. Training for Pastoral Leadership at the Institutional Level
  7. Spiritual Retreat: Toward a Personal and Pastoral Metanoia