

To cultivate a sacred and profound understanding of sexuality as a divine gift that must be lived consciously and virtuously in harmony with Christian faith and human dignity.

This course offers an overview of human sexuality, in accordance with the doctrine of the Catholic Church. Sexuality is presented as a human value and a gift that God offers us to experience it with gratuitousness, respect and love. Participants will acquire fundamental knowledge about the importance of purity, chastity and dignity of the body. This will enable them to transmit these concepts and ethical principles to others, and will allow them to guide those around them in living a sexuality that is aligned with Christian values.


• To train pastoral agents, parents and young people in the understanding and experience of human sexuality according to the fundamental principles of the Catholic Church and promote comprehensive formation that strengthens ethical and moral values.

• To facilitate people’s deep understanding of the relevance of sexuality in the context of their identity as human beings created in the image of God; recognizing the intrinsic meaning of the person.

• To offer resources to train parents in a formation in sexuality that contributes to their personal development, strengthens their marital relationship and provides them with tools to educate their children.

• To promote the virtue of purity and chastity as essential elements in the Christian life.


• Understanding and experiencing human sexuality according to the fundamental principles of the Catholic Church.

• Comprehensive formation that strengthens ethical and moral values.

• Deeper understanding of the relevance of sexuality in the context of people’s identity as human beings created in the image of God.

• Training for parents in formation in sexuality that contributes to their personal and family development.

• The virtue of purity and chastity as essential elements in the Christian life.

• Elements of God’s plan in a healthy dating relationship.


• Basic skills and abilities in the use of technology

• Knowledge and use of social networks

• Bring laptop and/or smartphone